Cancer Free Zone is a voluntary club started, in 2014, by Anjani and Suraj Pangal to empower society by raising awareness of cancer, educating people about the means of cancer prevention, and conducting healthy lifestyle programs. Through these programs Cancer Free Zone has amassed a member base of over 850, while educating over 10,000 people. We also raise funds for underprivileged children with cancer to cover their treatment costs. We help cancer patients by connecting them to support groups, counseling services, and aiding them throughout their battle against cancer. To date, we have raised money to fully pay for 32 kids' cancer treatment. This includes the cost of the parents' stay at/near their child's hospital, food, travel, etc. If you would like to learn more about what we have done, please visit
Cancer Free Zone is organized around FIVE key fundamental objectives.
ONE, promoting the ideals of a right, well-balanced diet – where we cover the importance of nutrition based on fresh, organic food, fruits, and vegetables. The right way of cooking and the right meal time is part of the discourse.
TWO, promoting the culture of physical fitness - this includes an exercise regimen with a focus on right breathing techniques (pranayama). One should get enough oxygen into the body because Cancer Cells are anaerobic and survive/multiply only where there is a lack of sufficient oxygen in the body.
THREE, spreading education and awareness – we find a shockingly large number of people EITHER completely dispassionate (know about it but don’t bother) OR completely ignorant (unaware of the devastating effects of this disease).
FOUR, facilitating extended counseling sessions – not just for the patient, but the whole group covering family and friends. Apart from the physical trauma undergone by the patient, there is also an extensive emotional toll, not just on the patient but on his immediate circle of family and friends. More so, should the patient be the sole breadwinner in the family?
FIVE, raising funds for the underprivileged – offer hope to patients not having the financial wherewithal to undergo treatment. There are a large number of our fellow beings who do not have the money to pay for the treatment. We do not want to give up on them.
Offering Financial Assistance – Offering hope for LIFE in the face of DEATH.
Cancer treatment is an expensive proposition and an insurmountable hurdle for many of our financially deprived fellow human beings. We have taken a small initiative to try and raise funds for this cause by conducting various events.